Our Mission

Living Together with God

As people of God, we are called to love one another without reservation. Worshiping the Lord, we live, pray, teach and share the Good News of Jesus to our community and world.

Welcome to First Lutheran

We're very blessed at First Lutheran to have such a warm, welcoming, and fun group of people to live our lives of faith together. Our four main areas of focus are: food, families, fellowship and faith, and each of our activities revolve around one or more of these areas.

We find fun and good in many ways at First Lutheran.  We enjoy serving the community through the Orland Pantry, worshiping together in person or virtually, strengthening families and growing in faith through scripture and weekly Bible study or celebrating a as a congregation with a big church BBQ.

Who We Are and What We Believe

We at First are a Christian congregation that firstly seeks to love God and love one another (Luke 10:27). We hold the Holy Scriptures as the source and norm of our faith, and turn to the Bible for guidance in all areas of life. We hold the faith of the universal Christian church and affirm the traditional Christian creeds, interpreting God's Word through a lens of grace, trust, and genuine love.

As Lutherans we affirm the teachings of the Protestant Reformers, principally its leader, Martin Luther, from whom we take our name. Our traditional beliefs are nonetheless applied to our contemporary world, dealing openly and honestly with the genuine concerns of people today. We are always open to questions and curiosity, and love to talk about the life-giving Gospel that animates our faith and our lives! You are welcome any Sunday morning - or any day of the week! - to hear more about our story together with Christ.

History of First Lutheran

Established in Orland in 1902, First Lutheran has been worshiping and ministering in Orland for 115 years. A congregation made up of farmers, builders, families, educators, technicians, professionals, and people of almost every walk of life, we are knit together by our love of God and faith in the goodness of his Son.

Our church is grounded in the Lutheran tradition, which this year celebrated the 500th anniversary of its beginnings. With a bold history, a rich theology, and meaningful message for today, we continue this long history with joy at God's gracious providence over many years in faith in Orland.

Our Mission

As people of God, we are called to love one another without reservation, to be caring and giving. Worshiping the Lord, we live, pray, teach and share the Good News of Jesus to our community and the world.

We are a church part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America https://elca.org

and members of the Sierra Pacific Synod-ELCA https://www.spselca.net