Prayer for Peace in the Holy Land

Merciful God, our help in every trouble, we pray for peace in the Holy Land. Protect those traumatized by escalating violence, especially those with no access to safe spaces; release people held hostage; provide food, water, fuel, and supplies for all in need; sustain medical personnel as they work in horrendous conditions; tend to those who are wounded; comfort all who grieve.

In your mercy, receive our prayer.

O God, as war in the Holy Land rages, we pray: For all trapped by blockades…

For all living in fear of attack…For all in need of basic necessities and their safe transport…For those who are hospitalized and all who provide care…

For all who search for safety elsewhere and are separated from loved ones…

For children surrounded by confusion and chaos…

For those consumed by the lure of terrorism and control, that they are filled with

compassion for all people…

For the difficult work of diplomats, world leaders, and international organizations in this prolonged conflict …

For a desire to understand those of different faiths…

For all grieving those who have died…

Other intercessions related to the crisis in the Holy Land may be added.

In your mercy, receive our prayer.

Holy One, your strength comes not by grasping power and might but is poured out in loving service. Support us with such strength to work for peace, to love our enemies, and to trust in your resurrection life even in the midst of pain and death.

In your mercy, receive our prayer.

Pray for World Peace

Gracious God, by day and night we pour out our prayer to you. 

We are crying out for justice, yearning for what is right, longing for your peace. 

Come quickly to help us, O God; save those who call upon your name.